
La Virtual Screenings 2021: The value of Digital

After three market days, we can affirm that LA Virtual Screenings 2021 is a successful experience. The market has surpassed 900 buyers, 2000 screenings, etc. All huge numbers. When it is difficult to obtain stats about the online events, at LAVS there are figures at every step.

But in digital, volume is not necessarily value: it is better to have 5 people consuming, than 10 that enter and go fast. The second table shows that LAVS is also good in value. Its participants spend much more time and view more pages than at the usual successful online events, according to expert digital agencies.

Health can be checked also with the usage of the platform. The third image shows that the different LAVS sections are experimenting very good traffic. Participants enjoy passing time watching the panels and testimonials of VS Next, for instance. In fact, the yesterday launch of eSports panel was the second content most viewed of the day at the whole market. So far, this one and The future of streaming (with big OTTs participation) are taking an enormous portion of the VS Next users attention. For more VS Next info, see the attached article at this daily.

But the surprises of this LAVS edition about sections, have been so far VS Billboard (10 recommended products per day) and VS Browser & Filters (automated content selections). They were rarely used at VS Autumn, but now VS Billboard has generated 650 extra screenings for the exhibitors, from the 2100 total at the booths. One third more. For more info about sections performance, see another attached article.

About the Top booths and contents of the market, today we provide here not the accumulated positions, we display the rankings of just May 13. And this way we see another health tip of the event: many different suppliers, genres and origins gain main roles. Even a Bronze exhibitor, RMVistar, takes the 4th position with Jupía in contents. RTVE, Gold from Spain, is having a unique market.

This encouraging variety happens because buyers start watching the big brands and their favorite logos, but then walk around visit most of the sites. With the days, there will be more fragmentation and business for everybody. The Top 15 accumulated tables are displayed in other attached article.

Nicolás Smirnoff


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